Agri-Science / Land Judging Day

Each year the Huron and Tuscola Conservation Districts sponsor an Agri-Science/Land Judging Day in a farm field in either Huron or Tuscola county for junior and senior high school FFA and/or Agri-Science students. There are three soil judging sites, a water quality site and a forestry/wildlife site. At each of the soil judging sites the students are provided with information about the site and then are required to answer questions on a score card about physical features of the soil, problems which affect the use and management of the area, agricultural land use, recommended management and conservation practices for agricultural uses and suitable for non-agricultural uses. Technicians at the water quality site describe an on-farm scenario; using this information the students have some questions from an A*Syst tool and are asked to determine if the on-site risks are low, medium or high. They are also asked to make recommendations to help reduce the risk and protect ground and surface water. Information about trees and wildlife is shared with the students at the forestry/wildlife site then the students answer questions about the information provided. Cash awards are given to the top student at each participating school and a cash donation is awarded to the FFA chapter of the top student.

Each year staff members from Bay Port State Bank assist with serving lunch to the students and provide pop, water, apples, plates & napkins for the event.